Line Grinder Software Known Bugs and ToDo List Outstanding Todo Tasks and Bugs As of Version 03.07 If a system out of memory error occurs the user should be advised to reduce the IsoPlotPointsPerAppUnit value There is, as yet, no mechanism to remove large areas of copper such as might be needed for high voltage work. The generated GCodes for drilling is sometimes not output in a nice linear order. This means the tool head lifts off the part, drills a hole somewhere else then returns near to the orignal coordinate and carries on. This is not a bug per-se since all of the required holes get drilled eventually but it does make the drilling process much slower than necessary and it does need to be fixed. There really should be some way of seeing the progress of the isolation plot calculation. At the moment all that is presented is the traditional windows hour-glass cursor. For large calculations this makes it look as if Line Grinder has hung. Make the overlap on the bed flattening code a settable parameter Support the Moire and Thermal Macro Primitives Provide a way to export and import the file manager configurations.