The OutputPortFS Class
The OutputPortFS Class
The OutputPortFS class is designed to set the state (high or low) of a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi via a SYSFS access method. The maximum output
rate has been observed to be in the range of about 1 KHz. The OutputPortMM
class is a similar
version of this class which uses Memory Mapped access.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before creating any RPICSIO Port class you will need to ensure
that the RPICSIO Library knows which type of Raspberry Pi you are dealing with. This is done by executing a call (only once is necessary) like the one below somewhere
in your code before you create any port.
RPICSIOConfig.Instance.RPIType = RPITypeEnum.RPITYPE_RPI2;
Source Code
The source code for this class is available online for
and also in
browseable form.
Example Code
Example code which demonstrates the use of this class can be found on the Output Port Example page.
public class OutputPortFS : PortFS, IDisposable
Provides output port functionality for a Raspberry Pi (SYSFS Version).
Public Constructors
public OutputPortFS(GpioEnum gpioIDIn) : base(gpioIDIn)
- Parameters
- gpioIDIn - The GPIO the port will access.
public OutputPortFS(GpioEnum gpioIDIn, bool initialState) : base(gpioIDIn)
- Parameters
- gpioIDIn - The GPIO the port will access.
- initialState - The initial state, true or false, of the port.
Public Methods
public override void ClosePort()
Closes the port. Throws an exception on failure, including if the port is already closed.
This is really just doing the equivalent of a shell command
echo <gpioID> > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
after which the /sys/class/gpio/gpio<gpioID>
directory should not exist.
public void Dispose()
Implements IDisposable. Should be called after the class is closed to release resources.
public override PortDirectionEnum PortDirection()
Gets the PortDirection
- Returns
- A PortDirectionEnum value. This value is always PortDirectionEnum.PORTDIR_INPUT.
public bool Read()
Gets the port value (high or low) as a boolean. This is really just doing the equivalent of a shell command
echo <value_as_string> > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<gpioID>/value
- Returns
- true, the GPIO pin is at a high voltage level. false - GPIO pin is at a low voltage level.
public void Write(bool valueToSet)
Sets the port state. This is really just doing the equivalent of a shell command
echo <value_as_string> > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<gpioID>/value
- Parameters
- true, set the GPIO pin to a high voltage level. false - set the GPIO pin to a low voltage level.
Public Properties
public GpioConfig GpioCfgObject { get; }
Gets the objects gpioCfgObject. There is no set accessor. This object is built in the constructor
- value
- The working gpioID.
public GpioEnum GpioID { get; }
Gets the objects gpioID. There is no set accessor. This value is set in the constructor
- value
- The working gpioID.