The InterruptMode Enum


The InterruptMode Enum

The InterruptMode enum defines the type of interrupt event which will trigger an InterruptPort's OnInterrupt event.


Source Code

The source code for this class is available online for download and also in browseable form.



   public enum InterruptMode
        InterruptNone = 0,
        InterruptRisingEdge = 1,    // A value that sets the port so that its interrupt is triggered on a rising edge.
        InterruptFallingEdge = 2,   // A value that sets the port so that its interrupt is triggered on a falling edge.
        InterruptRisingEdgeTransient = 4,    // A value that sets the port so that its interrupt is triggered on a rising edge transient too fast to be sampled by the system clock.
        InterruptFallingEdgeTransient = 8,   // A value that sets the port so that its interrupt is triggered on a falling edge transient too fast to be sampled by the system clock.