Line Grinder
Gerber Plot to Isolation Milling GCode Software

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

An introduction to the Line Grinder software. Covers the basic stuff like installation, system requirements and etc.

What You Really Need To Know
A help file with basic get started information: how to open a Gerber or Excellon File, view it, convert it to GCode and set the conversion parameters. A broad brush illustration of the concepts.

Types of GCode Output
A help file which summarizes the types of GCode it is possible to create with the Line Grinder software and how, and why it is used.

Isolation Milling Step-by-Step
A discussion of a physical procedure for the creation of isolation routed PCB's. This is just one method - there are possibly others which will also work.

How to use DesignSpark to Create Gerber Plots for the LineGrinder Software
A step-by-step guide to the preparation and output of Gerber and Excellon files suitable for use in the Line Grinder software. This guide is specific to the freeware DesignSpark software.

How to use Eagle to Create Gerber Plots for the LineGrinder Software
A step-by-step guide to the preparation and output of Gerber and Excellon files suitable for use in the Line Grinder software. This guide is specific to the freeware Eagle software.

What Can Go Wrong
A discussion of the things that can go wrong and cause the generated GCode output to produce unsatisfactory results when it is run.

Advice and Tips on Isolation Milling
A help page detailing some (hopefully) helpful advice on how to successfully create isolation routed circuit boards.

Main Form and Plot View Tab
A help file which describes the visual screen elements of the Line Grinder Main form and discusses the contents and controls on the Plot View Tab.

Settings Tab and File Managers
A help file which describes the controls on the Settings tab of the Line Grinder software and how to configure File Managers to control the GCode generation process.

Isolation Cut File Managers
A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Gerber files into GCode which creates isolation milling cuts and also the GCode which can drill the Reference Pin holes.

Edge Milling File Managers
A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Gerber files into GCode which cut the PCB out of a larger board and also the GCode which can mill the bed flat.

Excellon Drilling File Managers
A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Excellon files into GCode which drills the holes for the PCB pads and vias.

Alternatives to the Line Grinder software. (online only)
There are other Gerber to Isolation GCode converters out there. The link above takes you to a page in which lists them and provides some discussion on them.