Line Grinder
Gerber Plot to Isolation Milling GCode Software
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- Overview
- An introduction to the Line Grinder software. Covers the basic stuff like installation, system requirements and etc.
- What You Really Need To Know
- A help file with basic get started information: how to open a Gerber or Excellon File, view it, convert it to GCode and set the conversion parameters. A broad brush illustration of the concepts.
- Types of GCode Output
- A help file which summarizes the types of GCode it is possible to create with the Line Grinder software and how, and why it is used.
- Isolation Milling Step-by-Step
- A discussion of a physical procedure for the creation of isolation routed PCB's. This is just one method - there are possibly others which will also work.
- How to use DesignSpark to Create Gerber Plots for the LineGrinder Software
- A step-by-step guide to the preparation and output of Gerber and Excellon files suitable for use in the Line Grinder software. This guide is specific to the freeware DesignSpark software.
- How to use Eagle to Create Gerber Plots for the LineGrinder Software
- A step-by-step guide to the preparation and output of Gerber and Excellon files suitable for use in the Line Grinder software. This guide is specific to the freeware Eagle software.
- What Can Go Wrong
- A discussion of the things that can go wrong and cause the generated GCode output to produce unsatisfactory results when it is run.
- Advice and Tips on Isolation Milling
- A help page detailing some (hopefully) helpful advice on how to successfully create isolation routed circuit boards.
- Main Form and Plot View Tab
- A help file which describes the visual screen elements of the Line Grinder Main form and discusses the contents and controls on the Plot View Tab.
- Settings Tab and File Managers
- A help file which describes the controls on the Settings tab of the Line Grinder software and how to configure File Managers to control the GCode generation process.
- Isolation Cut File Managers
- A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Gerber files into GCode which creates isolation milling cuts and also the GCode which can drill the Reference Pin holes.
- Edge Milling File Managers
- A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Gerber files into GCode which cut the PCB out of a larger board and also the GCode which can mill the bed flat.
- Excellon Drilling File Managers
- A help file which describes the File Manager which converts Excellon files into GCode which drills the holes for the PCB pads and vias.
- Alternatives to the Line Grinder software. (online only)
- There are other Gerber to Isolation GCode converters out there. The link above takes you to a page in which lists them and provides some discussion on them.